Do you find flights at short notice?

The short answer - is sometimes. We'd love to be able to help with your request if you're looking for a trip to the Philippines for next week, but we don't generally see flights with just a short time to go. We'll definitely keep our eyes peeled for any deals but prices are more likely to go up from here so we'd recommend booking soon!

Typically, for peak travel dates, we’ll find deals start coming out around six months before your departure and for non-peak travel dates, about two or more months before your departure :-)

I would also always suggest using our app, which lets you browse through the past deals that are still available, and get push notifications for new ones which is a great way to get new deals as soon as we release them without having to wait for an email, there is also an option to turn off emails and only get alerts in the app. You can download the app here: Android / iOS.

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