How many flight alerts can I expect?
The number of flight alerts depends on how many great cheap flights we find!
We will only send you flight tips when there is a genuinely fantastic fare, as we don't take commissions for your clicks and are not affiliated with any airlines or booking agents.
On average, free members can expect 6-8 awesome flight tips per month. Premium members, on the other hand, will receive 25-40 or more tips each month, depending on your departure airports and the amount selected.
You are way more likely to get that special flight alert if you sign up for our Premium membership. You can see all the details on how to upgrade here.
Our quarterly, bi-annual and annual upgrade plans include a 14-day money-back guarantee in case you find it's not a good fit for you. You'll be able to add as many departure airports as you'd like, get 4x more flight alerts, and receive special short-haul tips for even more chances to get away. All these make you more likely to see that dream fare!