Do these fares get honored?
The vast majority of the fares we find are just really, really good deals and honoured 100% of the time. On the occasion that we spot an error fare, we'll let you know that there is a chance the airline may choose to refund your ticket within a few days of booking, should they decide not to honour the fare. However, from our experience, most error fares get honoured as well!
Otherwise, the risks are very minimal when it comes to booking one.
Based on our numbers, around 70% of error fares are honoured by the airlines. Cancelling tickets is troublesome and, more importantly, simply bad PR, so most airlines prefer to avoid doing so if possible. Some countries (though not the UK) even have laws enforcing any listed fares to be honoured. In the scenario that your ticket is cancelled, fear not - you will always be refunded in full. The airline will never charge you more than you agreed without permission or keep your money without providing you with a ticket.
Read up on error fares here in case you're curious (keep in mind this is not the majority of deals we find).