Whitelisting to receive email alerts

Not receiving our email alerts, or just not sure where they are going? Sometimes email services will update your inbox filter to make sure you only receive emails you're regularly engaging with, this filtering can sometimes send our JFC deals to other mysterious places in your mailbox like 'Promotions'. While this does keep your inbox clean and protects you from unwanted messages, it can also suddenly start hiding messages that you do want - such as our Jack's Flight Club emails.

In order to start seeing deals again and make sure you keep seeing these, please follow the directions specific to your email domain (username@domain) from the address you have signed up to receive Jack's Flight Club alerts. We'd suggest doing this from an internet browser if possible rather than a mobile version for ease of use. 


Gmail makes it extra simple to add us to your whitelist by putting us in your email contacts. You can follow the guide here, or click on the grid section just next to your profile picture in the upper-right-hand corner, then select the 'Contacts' section:

This will take you to a selection of your contacts, where you can now add Jack's Flight Club:

The '+' sign in the lower right-hand corner is where you can add more contacts. Simply enter in our email, adding Jack@jacksflightclub.com and detour@travel.jacksflightclub.com as well as hello@members.jacksflightclub.com into separate contact entries.

Click 'Save' and you'll now be whitelisted for us to send you deals.

Hotmail, Outlook & Live

For Hotmail, live, and Outlook accounts, the way to add us to your whitelist is quite similar. To add Jack's Flight Club to your contacts and make sure you're able to keep receiving deals, just log into your inbox and click on the person icon on the lower-left-hand side of your screen:

This will take you to where your contacts are stored. In order to add a new contact, the upper-left side will have a 'New Contact' option, once you click this a new contact card will open:

In order to whitelist, be sure to add both Jack@jacksflightclub.com and detour@travel.jacksflightclub.com as well as hello@members.jacksflightclub.com into separate contact entries to your contacts so you'll continue seeing deals straight to your inbox.


To add a contact on Yahoo and make sure we're whitelisted in your settings, you can easily add contacts once you've logged into your inbox. Once on your homepage, just click the small person icon listed in the top-right-hand corner:

This will pull up the contact list for your inbox. At the bottom, you'll be able to see the 'Add a new contact' option at the bottom right-hand of your screen:

In the new contact field, just enter the email of the sender you'd like to whitelist, Jack@jacksflightclub.com and detour@travel.jacksflightclub.com as well as hello@members.jacksflightclub.com into separate contact entries:

Click 'Save' and now you'll begin to receive all of our deals sent straight to your inbox.

Other Email Domains

There are many domains out there that all have different options for adding to whitelists. While we've listed the three most common domains above, we know there are more that will still need whitelisting help. Essentially what you'll need to do is just add both Jack@jacksflightclub.com and detour@travel.jacksflightclub.com as well as hello@members.jacksflightclub.com into separate contact entries to your contacts and you'll be set.

Check out this resource here (not affiliated, just extra useful) to look up your domain and see the best tips for making sure we're whitelisted with further instructions.

Still have questions? Send us an email to support@jacksflightclub.com so that we can help more with this step and to make you're signed up to receive all our deals! :) 

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