How do I cancel my PayPal billing?

Currently, we no longer offer upgrades through PayPal; however, some members still have existing subscriptions using it. If you are a PayPal subscriber, please note that you will not be able to view your billing or subscription information in your Members Lounge.

For those who upgraded through a credit card on our website using Stripe (our payment processor), this information is accessible. However, as a PayPal subscriber, your account details and cancellation options can be found in your PayPal billing dashboard. You can follow the provided instructions to modify your future billing, cancel your subscription, or view any recurring subscriptions you have set up through PayPal.

Additionally, you have the option to set your preferences in PayPal to receive alerts whenever a new subscription is processed, view receipts from past payments, or access other membership-related information. For changes to your email alerts, you can still modify these settings through your Members Lounge.

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